GROG'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Come see what interests and amuses the Grog. You will find everything from comedy to pure nerd on this blog. Also let Grog know what you think, leave a comment for Grog to Read.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Not being a big believer in car customizations as it is, this is just plain stupid, mounting train horns to the under carriage of your car... WTF man, WTF. KRT Wire | 02/27/2005 | Train horns latest fad, irritant on Florida streets

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Here is a page that is showing off a project called "Red Taction". The project is this, they are able to have data transfer rates of 10 Mbps over the human body, I just read the article summarizing it, so go in and check out the flash presentation for more info. RedTacton

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is a cool site that debates the finer points of all those battles we wish would happen, like casper vs slimer, or Ghengis Khan vs an army of killer zombies. The Versus Page
The story may seem long, but it is quite funny to hear the history of how his woman screwed him over, and why he is bitterly trying to sell her dress. I read this before, and I don't recall if I was blogging yet or not, so this may be a re-blog. eBay item 8168933177 (Ends Feb-19-05 09:29:02 PST) - WEDDING DRESS--I BAILED, YOU SHOULD TO!!!

Monday, February 21, 2005

GASP!!! No it isn't... really... I can click but I can;t hide???? Oh god no!!!! GASP GASP GASP.... sob sob... what am I going to do now ;) MPAA NOTICE
A good article and list of the 50 most important games ever made. The Essential 50 Archives from 1UP.COM
The top 100 gadgets of all time according to Mobile PC magazine, I think the top gadget might be a little biased tot he magazine thou ;) Mobile PC - Features - The Top 100 Gadgets of All Time
On a side note to this article, I was in a Starbucks the other day and the Barista was ranting, I picked up the conversation about half way, but it went something like this, "...So I said "but the commercials say no more late fees", and he said "Sorry maam but your 2 days late". So I was charged late fees by some little punk wearing a bright yellow shirt that said NO MORE LATE FEES". I'm sure it was funnier in person, but I though tI would share it anyways. Slashdot | Blockbuster Sued Over Late Fees Claim
Here is a realy cool page that de-bunks urban myth emails... pretty cool. Urban Legends Reference Pages

Friday, February 18, 2005

God if I bought these stickers, I would run out in days... I Park Like An Idiot - You suck at parking! Let the world know it!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! NO NO NO... I will quit watching TV... POUT POUT Entertainment - network
Oh Microsoft... how hip are thee. Here is a link to MS's attempt to bring parents to the same level by explaining computer lingo... That's dope, sick and phat at the same time. Also don't forget to check the related links to the right, it explains even more. Lat3rz my p33pz A parent's primer to computer slang

Monday, February 14, 2005

So I always thought Flaming had something to do with two men ;) But it is also what they call it when are posting messages and a name calling war starts off, here is a guide to winning. Guide to Flaming - Home Page

Friday, February 11, 2005

A reccommended site with IQ tests and what not. Tickle: Tests, Matchmaking and Social Networking

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Some people get turned on by there computers... here is a man who went a little to far. nV News Forums - Semen on Geforce 6 6800 Ultra!
I have heard rumblings of this for years now... we'll see if it happens. Coming Soon! - Latest News
With my further love of Blogging Blogs, here is a blog that links all those generators together, you know the ones like "Your Porn Name", or "Your Gansta Name", Ect. The Generator Blog
Ok in terms of wierd and out there... it doesn't get much more out there than this. Kado van Meneer
Ever wanted to kill your computer? Here is a list of the most common ways to do it. Beginners Guides: Most Common Ways to Kill a PC -

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Here is a site that will give you a mix tape (CD???) for whatever mood you are feeling. Kind of cool. Tiny Mix Tapes

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I don't know all the details, but in Europe there is this project called "Blinkenlights", and some how you can play simple games like Tetris and Pong on the sides of office builidings... I know how cool is that. Project Blinkenlights: Arcade Games

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I like Macs for video editing and other grapich things, they just work better with that stuff. But here is an article that reminds you... Apple has messed up before... just not lately :) Top 10 Apple Flops :: osViews | osOpinion :: Tech Opinions for the People, by the People
I have heard that there is a aquarium program like this, you kind of share a network connection for your screen saver, I don't know, read about it here, they explain it better. the electric sheep screen-saver

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Capcom is really on the come back trail, I mean there games have usually been better than a lot of companies, but back in the Nintendo Hey Day, a Capcom game was an instant hit. So with Resident Evil 4 under there belt (and a huge hit at that) I hope the hype lives up to it on Killer 7. GameCube: Killer 7: Dazzled and Confused
I love sites that make fun of stupid people... here is another froma web design firm that has had enough of there stupid customers. Clientcopia : Coping with stupid clients : Quotes, Comments & Remarks