GROG'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Come see what interests and amuses the Grog. You will find everything from comedy to pure nerd on this blog. Also let Grog know what you think, leave a comment for Grog to Read.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still a long ways away from being hand held... I like the quote... as large as a fridge and 750 kg... LOL!!!!!! Slashdot | Laser Cannons Coming to an F-16 Near You

Friday, August 12, 2005

The top 10 fads of the internet... you have most definitly seen these in one form or another. Top 10 Web fads -

Friday, August 05, 2005

How cool does this sound? Bendable electronic paper they are calling, just sounds friggin neat Slashdot | Fujitsu Debuts Bendable Electronic Paper

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Is it ironic I post this while at work... I was on my coffee break :) Slashdot | A Study On Time Wasted At Work
A great article about how id software (the creators of DOOM) lost the crown as kings of the FPS, and what they and what should have done. Slashdot | Doomed: How id Lost Its Crown
I remember hearing about this years ago... (Six to be exact I guess), but what an idea, coffee that heats itself. Slashdot | Self-Heating Coffee Hacking