GROG'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Come see what interests and amuses the Grog. You will find everything from comedy to pure nerd on this blog. Also let Grog know what you think, leave a comment for Grog to Read.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Check out the new Batman, for the new Batman movie of course. Movie News: Bale's Bat costume. Pow!!
Ever wonder how to dance like a GOTH? Well here is a page that will help you understand it more. How to Dance Gothic

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Uhhh yeah... hank is the man... well kind of... Welcome
Don't remember if blogged this already or not, but if not, great site of wierd and "how the hell did this happen car acciedents Web Junkie --
Funny link to weapons you can make for office warfare... bring it on... I have the office morning star :)BleachSoft

Monday, October 25, 2004

I know it's almost getting old to keep making fun of George W. but here is a site that takes all the stupid things he says and points them out. : : We record the damage.
What makes this site so great is your not sure if this guy is for real or not... I leaning more towards real. For Sale By Mental Patient

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Like you needed some reasons, but here are 20 reasons to get the new Metroid. GameCube: 20 Reasons to Love Metroid Prime 2
I like what they are standing for... but I would get one just to piss people off :) TV-B-Gone is Coming Soon...
Jon Stewart is the fucking man... he "brings it" to an episode of Cnn's crossfire. IFILM - Television: Jon Stewart's Brutal Exchange with CNN Host
So if anyine is wondering what to get me for Xmas this year... this would make you my best friend ever :) Sony Global - QRIO
A cool little article on the history of Nintendo's domination of the hand held gaming market for 20 years now.G4techTV - Feature - History of the Handheld
I heard they are like $7000 or something ridiculous like that, but maybe if I start saving my pennies now... cool enough to do that. Sony Global - QRIO

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

So I took the Files extention quiz nad this is what I came up with as my file type. You are .html You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits.  When you work with amateurs it can get quite ugly.
Which File Extension are You? >> Which File Extension Are You?

Monday, October 18, 2004

A funny site where this guy makes his own web cartoons, some nerdy and funny stuff. Irregular Webcomic!
Way to funny, interpretations of those annoying safety pictures that are usually in airplane warnings and other ones. AIRTOONS

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Some sweet info on Upcoming NIN stuff, man I got to get a surround system now :) nine inch nails: current
Some sweet info on Upcoming NIN stuff, man I got to get a surround system now :) nine inch nails: current
I started reading this asrticle about the fact they were shooting some new scenes for a Spiderman 2.5 DVD release with stars in my eyes, then Sam Raimi set it all straight, see if your as disapointed with the studios as much as I am after reading this. SAM YOUR STILL THE MAN!!!!!Dark Horizons: Raimi Shoots More For "Spider-Man 2.5" (October 13th, 2004)
I started reading this asrticle about the fact they were shooting some new scenes for a Spiderman 2.5 DVD release with stars in my eyes, then Sam Raimi set it all straight, see if your as disapointed with the studios as much as I am after reading this. SAM YOUR STILL THE MAN!!!!!Dark Horizons: Raimi Shoots More For "Spider-Man 2.5" (October 13th, 2004)
The OSCARS are going to rock this year (excuse the pun) Entertainment - network
Ever miss the original days of surfing the web... when it was all text based, well here is a site that will help you re-live these original days. Just enter the website at the top. - DrunkMen ASCII Browser

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Some good news and some bad news from the man "Sam Raimi"Dark Horizons: Sam Raimi on Spidey 3 & FvJ2 (October 11th, 2004)
A word description of the new Star Wars Episode 3 trailer... sonds pretty cool.TheForce.Net | Episode III | News
Ahhh Morgan Web she is so dreamy.... got to this link and check out the video from her FHM cover shot... thats right nerds of the worlds, she is going to be in FHM and it is so going to rule. On the school boy crush update, still have one for her, hasn't changed... yet... wonder if she is single... G4techTV - Videos

Friday, October 08, 2004

HE HE HE... I used to love these annoyong little sites, here is the ultimate collection of dancing things (remeber the dancing hamsters) check them out.Web Junkie --
A cool site of card board box art. the box doodle project

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The article that lead me to the Online Gaming addiction page.Yahoo! News - Addicted Gamers, Losing Their Way
I may or may not be a member already :) OLG-Anon
In memorium of Rodney Dangerfield, here are some of more famous one liners News - network

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

What would you life be rated? What's your life rated? Mine is :

My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?
From the seemed like a good idea at the time catagory... some of these people are so cool. Dana's Virtual Museum of Unusual LP Cover Art
Sometimes I just have to say, "uhhh yeah...."Klingons for Christ Home Page
Take the official Psychic Guild's online Psychic test... I determined I am not Pyschic... and the monkeys I see all the time must be something else. Am I Psychic? Test your Psychic ability
Check out these movies of the new REsident Evil game coming out, way to cool.Videos for Resident Evil 4