GROG'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Come see what interests and amuses the Grog. You will find everything from comedy to pure nerd on this blog. Also let Grog know what you think, leave a comment for Grog to Read.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Sites like this both intrigue me and scare me at the same time, I wonder if you appear on this site could you sue them?IS THIS YOU?
I'm sure there is some use for this, but I just like trying to read the garbage it generates.malevole - Text Generator

Monday, September 27, 2004

A good article to let us know about what is going to be hot this holiday season for the Game Cube. GameCube: The Fall Five
Hmmm makes you think of other uses for your cell phone doesn't it. News - network

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Here are some good pictures of the new Fantastic Four cast. Dark Horizons: High-Quality "Fantastic" Cast Photos (September 23rd, 2004)

Thursday, September 23, 2004

HA HA HA, now this is a good use of technology, I may use this one day, if I need too.Laura
This is a site that is what it is... So simple it makes me laugh. When it first loads be quick and click the FAQ link that appears in the middle of the screen, it explains a little about the site.
I'll post this with a huge NERD alert!!!! Some German engineers have made a completely mechanical version of the game pong, a good nerdy read. *** PONGMECHANIK ***

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Hmmm I think I know some people who could definitly use this... there breath is so bad it stinks through the - Mobile�phone to detect bad breath - Sep 22, 2004

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Is it wierd I get tingles all over my body when I read this... PlanetBattlefield - A Member of the GameSpy Network

Monday, September 20, 2004

Creepy, some guy found this persons memory card from there digital camera in the back of a taxi, and has been posting comments about these other persons pictures, as if they were his... creep and funny. I Found Some Of Your Life
Behind the scenes photos of the Fantastic Four film being shot in Vancouver right now. Also a look at the Thing costume... the picture is pretty blurry, but it gives you and idea. HNR - Media

Sunday, September 19, 2004

This is way to funny. This guy is too cool.... Super Greg Concept Site

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The first guy quoted in the article is a guy I work with, this happened right outside his wife's parent's place... scary shit.
Ooops my bad... use this link for the previous post. Gangland killing?
Some great links to check out if your into the Metroid games. G4techTV - Feature - Metroid Series
I'm going to start doing this, it just looks like fun to have with all the spam. Conversations with a Nigerian Bank Scammer

Friday, September 10, 2004

Well I know I have a few loyal readers... like the new Format? Let me know. GROG
WHAT!!!! There are woemn who play video games? Much less enough of them to put on a conference... Technology -
Wondering what some of the changes Lucas has made to the upcoming Trilogy release... check them out here. Dark Horizons: Star Wars Changes - Lucasfilm Responds (September 10th, 2004)

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I am just glad I can not worry about them breaking up anymore... can't wait for the new album. World Exclusive � Jack White on the future of the White Stripes - NME.COM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A cool little random report about the department store staple, the coin vending machines. X-Entertainment - The Vending Machine Prizes Spectacular! 2004 Edition.
Ok here is a web site completely tailored for me... very random stuff... actually some of the stuff even wierds me out T I T L E R

Friday, September 03, 2004

Hmmm I wonder if I can get a Carpoon? I would use to ram the fuckers on the Yellowhead... which now thinking about it, this might become costly. Carpoon - A Harpoon For Police Cars
HE he... this is the stuff my nightmares are made of... food anomalies... EEEKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -{ }- -{ Presents: The Museum of Food Anomolies� }-����
A cool site dedicated to the best (or worst) movie villans of all time. CrazyMofo News
This guys mother must be proud... very proud.... News - network
You know what, fuck the Republicans. They truly show there intellegence levels by sinking to the levels they have. "Hey there is this film maker who made a movie that shows what idiots we are... Let's call him FAT!!!" This I am sure is what was running through there heads. I take great solice in knowing that this will only fire Michael Moore right up. News - network

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I think she's leaving the Von Bondies cause Jack White kicked the lead singers ass :) Detroit band split shock - NME.COM
Here is something that will make Simpson's fans laugh, it's a picture based collection of "What if they mated?" using the simpsons. Little Miss Springfield | A Guide To Lisa Simpson