GROG'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Come see what interests and amuses the Grog. You will find everything from comedy to pure nerd on this blog. Also let Grog know what you think, leave a comment for Grog to Read.

Monday, August 30, 2004

What!!!! How did this slip under my movie knowledge radar??? Well anyways, this could be quite the cool movie if it is as simple as it sounds, what happens when your a slacker in your 20's and it carries to your 30's... Why do I think this may be a movie close to my heart :) Dark Horizons: More on "Passion of the Clerks" (August 30th, 2004)

Friday, August 27, 2004

Ok now I don't know what to believe. Is this for real? It seems like a joke, but just to be safe, next time I buy some blades, I'm gonna check. Boycott Gillette

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Ok looks like my Blogger is fixed now,.... sweet I missed it. Here is a great page to welcome it back. I want one of these. The Incredible Motorized Couch

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I don't know what is going on... my Blogger hot key is not working in any of my browser windows. It's wierd, when I try to use the Blogger button in my google toolbar it puts the link in as it always has... but now it won't print colons or backslashes... it replaces them with wierd representations like. %2 seems to be backslashes and %3 seems to be equal signs... anybody have any idea to bring ease back to my Blog?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Oh so this is what happens to washed action heroes... yikesSTEVEN SEAGALS MUSIC
Just read the 10 dates to tipping... funny cause it's true. Date to Save - Missionary Dating Ministry Web Page

Monday, August 23, 2004

One of my favorite paintings... stolen, here's the story. News %7C network

Saturday, August 21, 2004

As many of my friends know I am a huge Battlefield fan. Well EA has decided to merge there 2 frachise together by re-creating some of the original 1942 maps in the Vietnam engine... very cool... EA GAMES %7C Battlefield Vietnam

Friday, August 20, 2004

I knew it... tatoo artists have been fucking with people... find out what some peoples "cool" tattoos real say. .%3AEcho Magazine
GUYS BEWARE!!!! If you meet a girl and she gives you an address at you've been duped. The Paper Napkin email rejection service

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

What makes me mad... is you can't really order this stuff, but it is still funny as hell. Bob%27s Inappropriate Toys for Children%3B Chicago%27s East Side Mall toy store specializing in childrens toys
YES YES YES!!!!!!!! I had only read about this stuff on the internet rumour boards, but now that it shows up somewhere more reputable (Well ok it's CNN) I can totally dream. - Freddy%2C Jason aren%27t dead yet - Aug 17%2C 2004

Monday, August 16, 2004

Wondering how Doom 3 will run on your Hamster Driven computer... here is a good article talking about it. DOOM 3 mid-range%2C low-end%2C and vintage graphics comparo - The Tech Report - Page 1
Some bands will try any gimmick... here is a Hevy Metal band who's lead singer is a Parrot... yes that's right a Parrot... WTF man... WTF... Hatebeak and Longmont Potion Castle at REPTILIAN RECORDS
SWEET!!!!!!!!!! A new film with Bruce Campbell in it, sounds kind of cool.

Friday, August 13, 2004

This site is in it's infancy, but a buddy I work with is trying to set up his own wireless network in his neighborhood... check it for more updates. Benternet
Here is a pretty funny Ebay posting of this recently divorced guy who is trying to sell his car... check it out. eBay item 2486282932 (Ends 10-Aug-04 23:45:45 BST) - Audi A8 4.2 1996 NON-RUNNER

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I like when they do stuff like this... although not much use to me I think my car modding friends will love this.Game Boy: TurboXS DTEC

Monday, August 09, 2004

A great article on the comparisons of the 2 new hand held systems coming out.Game Boy: Nintendo DS vs. PSP, Round 2

Thursday, August 05, 2004

What... noOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, there better be no merit to this report, I would be very mad and swear off of video games forever... well for the week anyways :) GameCube: Gates Interested in Nintendo
About frigging time, I have jonesing for a new movie from Darren Afronofsky since "Requim for a dream" and that has to be pushing 5 years already.Weisz takes sci-fi plunge in 'Fountain'
Yeah!!!! The Daleks are back!!!! The Daleks are back!!!!Dark Horizons: The Daleks Are Back (August 5th, 2004)
Fuck shit... FUCK!!!! I want this, those bastards at Nintendo, play on my wants thats for sure. This is so cool, and look at all it comes with... good I am such a loser for getting worked up about a video game. GameCube: Metroid Prime Bundle Official

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

A report and some on set pics from the new Doctor Who movie Dark Horizons: "Doctor Who" In Police Trouble (August 4th, 2004)

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Some cool footage of the new Bat Mobile in action, I love the new look... very Anime.Ain't It Cool News - View Article
HAHAH H AHAHA oh man a site dedicated to passed out drunk people, to funny. I think I have some pictures of friends I am going to send in here.PASSED OUT WOOKIES
Oh no... those South Park guys are going straight to hell, and I'm ready to watch every moment of it. This could go either way thats for sure, but there is bound to be a few good laughs.TEAM AMERICA - Large